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Cows Come Home: Post-Production Update

Christine Whelan, FEO, November 21, 2024, VOL. 6 ISSUE 6 With filming in Fort Erie now wrapped up, the co-creators of new TV series, Cows Come Home, Lindsey Middleton and Katie Uhlmann, continue with several months of post-production. Uhlmann, who is also the director, says

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Lights, Camera, ACTION!

Keasha Maile, FEO, November 7, 2024, VOL. 6 ISSUE 5 Crystal Beach recently saw a transformation on Derby Road, with the area dressed as a set for the acclaimed TV series The Handmaid’s Tale. For nearly three weeks, film crews worked to recreate a unique

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Pipe Organ and Acoustic Guitar Fusion

By Tom Reber, October 24, 2024, VOL. 6 ISSUE 4 Last November, over 120 people attended the Organ concert at St Pauls’ Church in Fort Erie to hear the historic pipe organ fill the sanctuary with music. The organ is a testament to over  120

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