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April 27, 2023, VOL. 4 ISSUE 18

Sisters Carolyn Nagel and Barb Hampel who suffer from PKD-Polycystic Kidney Disease have made it their mission to raise money and awareness towards this life-threatening hereditary disease.  We lost our father at 35 years of age to this disease.  2 out of 3 of Barb’s children have been diagnosed with PKD and there is a chance that her 3rd child and Carolyn’s son may have it.

PKD is a genetic disease that affects your kidneys with cysts that keep growing and multiplying up to 5-6 times larger than a normal-sized kidney and then the kidneys eventually stop functioning.

Carolyn has been on dialysis for nearly 3 years and Barb will be starting dialysis this month.  Both are in desperate need of kidney transplants.   Fortunately for Barb, she had just received the amazing news that a lifelong friend has unselfishly come forward to be her living donor.   Carolyn is still in need of a match.  If you are interested in more information on becoming a living kidney donor, please contact St. Joesph’s Hospital at 905-522-1155 ext.32156, all information is confidential.

 This year’s CHARITY GARAGE SALE will start Friday, May 12th at noon and Saturday, May 13th at 9 a.m. weather permitting.  The backup/rain dates will be June 9th and 10th.    Every penny made from this garage sale will be donated to the PKD Foundation. 

The PKD Foundation of Canada is the only national organization solely dedicated to fighting PKD and trying to find a cure.  The only treatment currently is dialysis and the hope to one day to find a kidney donor to be able to receive a life-saving kidney transplant.  Thanks to help from our many family members and friends we have been able to host this garage sale for the past 5 years, but this will possibly be the last year for a while due to Carolyn and Barb’s declining health. 

Please come out and support our Charity Garage Sale!  

All sales/purchases are made through donations.

Watch for the May 11th issue of the Fort Erie Observer for the yard sale location!

There are no upcoming events at this time.