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2023 Short-Term Rental Licence Renewals

FORT ERIE (October 11, 2022) –The Town of Fort Erie’s Economic Development and Tourism Services (EDTS) department will receive, process, and issue Short-Term Rental licence renewals for 2023 under the current rules and regulations set out in By-law No. 217-05, Schedule 13, as amended. This will ensure the 2023 Short-Term Rental program continues in a consistent and uninterrupted manner.

Short-Term Rental licences for 2022 are set to expire on December 31, 2022. Notices will be sent to Short-Term Rental Operators that are eligible for renewal at the beginning of December 2022. EDTS will only accept renewal applications and issue renewal licences.

The moratorium on new licences will remain in effect until the Short-Term Rental Land Use Study has been completed and considered by Fort Erie Town Council.

The Short-Term Rental Land Use Study aims to examine all land use designations and zones throughout Fort Erie. This study is not confined to Crystal Beach or waterfront locations. The study will examine which land use designation and zones may be most appropriate to accommodate Short-Term Rentals as a permitted use and will address any other policy or regulation that may be needed as it relates to their location, size, and operational restrictions.

Public consultation is a key part of the study. Opportunities for public participation are expected to include the establishment of a community focus group, workshops with other key stakeholder groups, public open houses and public commenting periods at various stages of the study process. The study is underway and is being led by WSP Canada Ltd.

The study is expected to be completed and presented to Council in early 2023.
There are no upcoming events at this time.